What is a knot dildo?

Knot dildos are some of the most popular niche type dildos on the market in Australia. Featuring a very specific type of functional design it allows the user to experience rapid changes in dildo girth, intensity and overall experience. In this guide I will help you better understand what a knot dildo is exactly, what are the benefits and how to correctly use a knot dildo.
What is a knot dildo?
A knot dildo is a unique type of dildo which bases its design off the anatomy of a canine penis. Usually featuring a common length and girth shaft, a knot dildo has a bulbous knot at the bottom section of the shaft which allows the user to stretch and full insert the dildo up to the point of the base providing a unique sensation and play style. The knot can come in a variety of styles including being reminiscent of testicles, a singular knot or many other types of creative designs. As knot dildos fall into the general realm of fantasy and animal style dildos there are a large number of designs which go beyond realistic anatomical designs.
What is the difference between a knot dildo and canine dildo?
Knot dildos and canine dildos are effectively the same thing! Canine dildos have a “knot” towards the bottom near the base of the dildo, similar to canine penises. Some people however will refer to a canine dildo as a “knot dildo” as they don’t (or don’t want to) associate the knot feature as a specifically canine/dog knot.
Why are knot dildos so popular?
Knot dildos provide a unique shape which when inserted will provide an intense increase in girth when fully penetrating. If completely inserted this can allow the dildo to be held in place - similar to how butt plugs operate. This gives the user a variety of options including repeatedly inserting and removing the knot dildo, holding the dildo in place and edging the knot inside them to ‘stretch’ themselves, which can be particularly popular when used for anal insertions. Knot dildos effectively allow a person to experience the best of both worlds - a standard girth dildo for the majority of use but the optional experience of a significantly wider girth at the knot that can be used when desired.
How do you use a knot dildo?
A knot dildo is used just like most dildos except when attempting to complete any deep/full insertion of the dildo. In all cases lubricant is recommended for inserting a knot dildo.
When attempting to fully insert a knot dildo its recommended to carefully increase pressure allowing your body to stretch to accept the girth of the knot. You may need to attempt this several times moving back and forward with the dildo before you’re able to insert it completely. Depending on the shape of the knot you can also attempt to rotate the dildo while inserting to assist with full insertion. Do not force the dildo or continue insertion if you feel any pain as this can lead to injury.
Once the knot dildo is fully inserted you can either enjoy the sensation of holding the dildo deep inside you or ease the knot out and re-insert, repeating the process as many times as desired.
Knot dildos are unique and versatile dildos for which provide both their own aesthetic and functional design. Whilst not for everyone, those looking to try something new and explore playing with varying girths and play styles will find knot dildos to be a fun new addition to their dildo collection.